This webpage contains several tutorials providing introductions to different facets of the Linux operating system here focusing on the Ubuntu distribution. Information presented here are especially relevant for Chapter 4 and the Lab assignment.
protocol.Details on your Linux computer accounts and their IP addresses are summarized in this Google document. Your assigned user ID are provided in this spreadsheet.
To remotely access your assigned Linux computer accounts using ssh
protocol, you need to know:
Warning: If you are accessing the Linux computers outside of BSU campus, you will need to use the VPN protocol.
An Internet Protocol address is a numerical label such as that is connected to a computer network that uses the Internet Protocol for communication. An IP address serves two main functions:
The procedure summarized here allows retrieving the computer IP address on the Ubuntu operating system (16.04 LTS; Figure 4.1):
System Settings
app located on the left side bar of the desktop.Network
tab located under the Hardware section.Wired
tab (related to WiFi connection) located on the left side of the window.IPv4 Address
argument located on the left side of the window.Figure 4.1: Screenshot of Ubuntu desktop showing how to retrieve IP address.
On a Linux OS, you can get the IP address of the computer by typing the following commands in a Terminal:
#Get IP address
# Option 1
hostname -I | awk '{print $1}'
# Option 2
ip a
# Option 3 (also works on Mac)
ifconfig -a
protocolThe ssh
protocol (also referred to as Secure Shell) is a method for secure remote login from one computer to another (Figure 4.2). It provides several alternative options for strong authentication, and it protects communications security and integrity with strong encryption.
Figure 4.2: Overview of ssh protocol. Credit:
Once you have gathered all required information (i.e., IP address and username) and installed Putty if you have a Windows operating system, please open a Terminal
or command prompt window and type the following command to remotely access your account using the ssh
protocol (see Figure 4.3):
# General command
$ ssh USER_ID@IP
# Remotely access computer from Group Z
# You will also have to enter your password when prompted
$ ssh bioinformatics@
Figure 4.3: Screenshot of Terminal showing commands to remotely access computer of group 3.
Putty is one of the best software used on Windows to remotely access computers. Download the program at this URL and follow instructions to install it on your computer.
When you launch Putty, a configuration window will pop up and you will enter i) your credentials (e.g. user@IP
) in the Host Name (or IP address)
box, ii) set the Port
to 22 and iii) make sure the connection type is set to ssh
(Figure 4.4). The full documentation for this software is available here.
Figure 4.4: Screenshot of Putty Configuration window to establish ssh connection.
Some of the analyses that we will be conducting in this class will take several days to be completed. In this case, it is paramount to run those analyses in a safe environment. By safe, we mean making sure that analyses will not be inadvertently cut either by yourself or by other users (and trust me it happens!). In this section, we will be reviewing protocols implemented in tmux
to run and access multiple parallel terminal sessions.
is an open-source terminal multiplexer for Unix-like operating systems. It allows multiple terminal sessions to be accessed simultaneously in a single window. It is useful for running more than one command-line program at the same time. As long as the user knows the unique ID of their tmux
session, the tmux
session will be accessible by anybody and remain open after closing your ssh
connection. For those reasons, the tmux
protocol is very useful when multiple users are sharing the same account and/or want to work remotely.
This software is installed by default on the Linux operating system, but it can also be installed on Mac OS using the following command:
$ brew install tmux
sessionsIn this section, we will learn how to create, exit, rename, list, access, and terminate tmux
To create a new tmux
session using the Terminal
$ tmux
Once you have started your job, you can safely exit the tmux
session without killing your job by typing the following combination of keystrokes:
Ctrl+b and d
At this point, you could safely log off of your remote session (by typing exit
in the Terminal), while knowing that your analysis would keep running safely inside the tmux
To access a tmux
session and check the status of your analysis, do it as follows:
$ tmux attach
The command executed above implies that there is only one tmux
session running on your computer. If you intend to run multiple side-by-side sessions, you should name each session using the following command:
# Create the session
$ tmux
# Rename the session for future access (type this combination of keystrokes)
Ctrl+b and $
One you have executed the commands, you will be able to rename your session as wished and when you are finished type Return
or Enter
to complete the task (Figure 5.1).
Figure 5.1: Screenshot of Terminal showing procedure to rename a tmux session (here JOB1).
You can also create a new session and directly name it as follows:
#General command
$ tmux new -s session_name
$ tmux new -s JOB2
You can get a list of all running tmux
sessions by using the following command (5.2):
$ tmux list-sessions
Figure 5.2: Screenshot of Terminal showing tmux command to access a specific session, here JOB1.
To access a tmux
session type the following command (Figure 5.2):
#General command
$ tmux attach -t ID_Session
#To access JOB1 do
$ tmux attach -t JOB1
You can terminate a tmux
session by accessing it using commands provided above and then type the inline exit
command. This will bring you back to the main Terminal and show that your tmux
session was terminated as shown in Figure 5.3.
Figure 5.3: Screenshot of Terminal showing tmux command to access a specific session (here JOB1) and the result after terminating the session (using the exit command).
Finally, you can also kill a session without accessing it as follows:
#General command
$ tmux kill-session -t ID_Session
#To kill JOB2 do
$ tmux kill-session -t JOB2
Warning: Apply caution when applying this procedure since it will kill the tmux
session and job with limited abilities to recover ongoing data.
Please do the following short exercises on your assigned computer account (see ) to get accustomed with the material presented in this document.
session and rename it Bio1
Bio1 tmux
sessionBio1 tmux
session and confirm that it has been properly terminated (using a learned tmux
command)Please find below common Linux commands. These commands will help you navigate in the Terminal and support your genomics analyses.
— list items in current directory.
ls -l
— list items in current directory and show in long format to see permissions, size, and modification date.
ls -a
— list all items in current directory, including hidden files.
ls -F
— list all items in current directory and show directories with a slash and executable with a star.
ls dir
— list all items in directory dir.
cd dir
— change directory to dir.
cd ..
— go up one directory.
cd /
— go to the root directory.
cd ~
— go to to your home directory.
cd -
— go to the last directory you were just in.
— show present working directory.
mkdir dir
— make new directory called dir.
rm file
— remove file.
rm -r dir
— remove directory dir recursively.
cp file1 file2
— copy file1 to file2.
cp -r dir1 dir2
— copy directory dir1 to dir2 recursively.
mv file1 file2
— move (rename) file1 to file2.
mv file1 ~/file1
— move file1 from the current directory to user’s home directory.
cat file
— output the contents of file.
less file
— view file with page navigation.
head file
— output the first 10 lines of file.
tail file
— output the last 10 lines of file.
tail -f file
— output the contents of file as it grows, starting with the last 10 lines.
vim file
— edit file using vim text editor.
— shut down machine.
— restart machine.
— exit terminal session.
— show the current date and time.
— who you are logged in as.
command — show the manual for command.
— show disk usage. Use df -h
to have in human readable format.
— show directory space usage.
— show memory and swap usage.
whereis app
— show possible locations of app.
which app
— show which app will be run by default.
— display your currently active processes.
— display all running processes.
- display all running processes and CPU usage.
kill PID
— kill process id PID. Use top
to identify PID.
kill -9 PID
— force kill process id PID.
ls -l
— list items in current directory and show permissions.
chmod ugo file
— change permissions of file to ugo - is the user’s permissions, is the group’s permissions, and is everyone else’s permissions. The values of , , and can be any number between 0 and 7.
Examples of chmod
chmod 600 file
— you can read and write - good for files.chmod 700 file
— you can read, write, and execute - good for scripts.chmod 644 file
— you can read and write, and everyone else can only read - good for web pages.chmod 755 file
— you can read, write, and execute, and everyone else can read and execute - good for programs that you want to share.wget file
— download a file. It can also be a file deposited on a website.
curl file
— download a file.
scp user@host:file dir
— secure copy a file from remote server to the dir directory on your machine.
scp file user@host:dir
— secure copy a file from your machine to the dir directory on a remote server.
scp -r user@host:dir dir
— secure copy the directory dir from remote server to the directory dir on your machine.
ssh user@host
— connect to host (IP address) as user.
ping host
— ping host and output results.
whois domain
— get information for domain.
lsof -i tcp:1337
— list all processes running on port 1337.
grep pattern files
— search for pattern in files.
grep -r pattern dir
— search recursively for pattern in dir.
grep -rn pattern dir
— search recursively for pattern in dir and show the line number found.
grep -r pattern dir --include='*.ext
— search recursively for pattern in dir and only search in files with .ext extension.
find file
— find all instances of file in real system.
locate file
— find all instances of file using indexed database built from the updatedb command. Much faster than find.
sed -i 's/day/night/g' file
— find all occurrences of day in a file and replace them with night - s means substitute and g means global - sed also supports regular expressions.
tar cf file.tar files
— create a tar named file.tar containing files.
tar xf file.tar
— extract the files from file.tar.
tar czf file.tar.gz files
— create a tar with Gzip compression.
tar xzf file.tar.gz
— extract a tar using Gzip.
gzip file
— compresses file and renames it to file.gz.
gzip -d file.gz
— decompresses file.gz back to file.
To practice the material learned so far and gain confidence before pursuing our genomic journey, please do the following exercises:
) using ls
using cd
using mkdir
and use ls
to check that it was created.My_jobs/
using vim
. This will open a new window to edit your fileShift
and i
to go into insert
mode by hitting Esc
ls -alh
in kilo bytes?README.txt
using rm
has been deletedcd ..
using rm -r
has been deletedexit