Sequencing, phasing and annotating the diploid genome of basin big sagebrush (Artemisia tridentata subsp. tridentata). This taxon as 2n=2x=18 chromosomes and a 2C genome size of 9.5Gbp (see Barron et al., 2020). In addition, preliminary analyses demonstrated that the genome is highly out-bred. For these reasons, we are aiming at not only produce enough biomass of the same individual line to produce the genome, but also maintain individual lines both in vitro and ex vitro to support genotype-by-environment experiments.
For this project, we are focusing on establishing in vitro individual lines for:
More details on the classification of this organism is provided here:
Eukaryota; Viridiplantae; Streptophyta; Streptophytina; Embryophyta; Tracheophyta; Euphyllophyta; Spermatophyta; Magnoliopsida; Mesangiospermae; eudicotyledons; Gunneridae; Pentapetalae; asterids; campanulids; Asterales; Asteraceae; Asteroideae; Anthemideae; Artemisiinae; Artemisia; Artemisia tridentata
Seeds of the mother plants used to establish the in vitro tissue culture propagation program of sagebrush individual lines were provided by Bryce Richardson (US Forest Service). Table 3.1 and Figure 3.1 provide details on the two source populations referred to as ID3 and UT2. All the seedlings generated from mother plants collected in these locations were identified as Artemisia tridentata subsp. tridentata by Richardson et al. (2012) and these authors also demonstrated that these populations were diploids (2n=2x=18).
Population | Mother plant | State | County | Elevation (m) | Latitude | Longitude |
ID3 | 95 Hilltop 4 | Idaho | Owyhee | 1358 | 43.337 | -116.964 |
UT2 | La Sal B18 | Utah | San Juan | 1820 | 38.306 | -109.388 |
Figure 3.1: Map of locations of the source populations where seeds from mother plants were collected to establish sagebrush individual lines.
The in vitro tissue culture propagation that we have recently published for Artemisia tridentata subsp. tridentata (Barron et al., 2020) is composed of three phases described in Table 4.1.
Phase | Duration (week) | Location | Vessel | Notes |
Growth | 15 | P4/P5 | Magenta vessel | During the first generation, we started from seeds, but later this step was based on rooted shoot tips cultured on MS growth media in Magenta vessels. |
Cutting | NA | P4/P5 | NA | Shoot tips are cut from the grown seedlings or plantlets and transferred into rooting media. |
Rooting | 3 | P4/P5 | Petri plates | Shoot tips are cultivated on a rooting media containing IBA growth regulator (1 ml/l) in plates to initiate rooting. Rooted shoot tips are then transferred into growth media and we are back to step 1. |
The Cutting phase is labor intensive and usually takes 1 hour to process 5 plantlets (per person).
More details on the methodology (incl. protocols) and analyses associated to in vitro sagebrush propagation can be found on our companion website:
The ex planting protocol to produce plantlets of Artemisia tridentata subsp. tridentata for GxE experiments is composed of five phases described in Table 4.2. Plantlets used for this protocol are sourced from the in vitro tissue program after the Growth phase (see Table 4.1.
Phase | Duration (week) | Location | Vessel | Notes |
Ex1 | 2 | P4 | Magenta vessel (sealed with couplers) | Transfer plantlet into peat pots (containing sand, MS, vitamins and PPM) |
Ex2 | 1 | Cart | Magenta vessel (sealed with couplers) | Adjusting to lower light intensity |
Ex3 | 2 | Cart | Magenta vessel (cracked open) | Lower light intersity and gas exchange (plantlet starts changing phenotype) |
Ex4 | 3 | Cart | Fully open Magenta vessel | Soil is drying out, requires watering and fertilizing. At the end of this phase, plantlet is acclimatized. |
Ex5 | 1 | P4 | Fully open Magenta vessel | Adaptation to light and temperature conditions in P4. After this phase, plantlet is ready for GxE experiment. |
For the Ex5 phase, the light intensity of the P4 culture chamber will be set identical to the one at the Cart.
Information on individual lines in culture at BSU is provided in Table 5.1. The individual line used for biomass production underpinning the genome project is G2_b24_1
PopID | Type | Individual Line | Ploidy | Genome size | Genotype | Germination Date | Rooting rate | Survival rate | N shoot tips | Biomass gr |
ID3 | In vitro | G1_b2_1 | 2x | NA | G1 | 2020-02-13 | 0.86 | 0.8,0.9 | 14 | 1.7 |
ID3 | In vitro | G1_b13_1 | 2x | NA | G1 | 2020-02-13 | 0.96 | NULL | 11 | NA |
ID3 | In vitro | G1_b29_1 | 2x | NA | G1 | 2020-02-13 | 0.9 | NULL | 11 | NA |
ID3 | In vitro | G1_b10_1 | 2x | NA | G1 | 2020-02-13 | 0.96 | NULL | 11 | NA |
UT2 | In vitro | G2_b27_1 | 2x | NA | G2 | 2020-02-13 | 0.89,0.89 | 0.45,0.35 | 9.5,9.2 | NA |
UT2 | In vitro | G2_b24_1 | 2x | NA | G2 | 2020-02-13 | 0.93,0.87 | 0.8 | 9.5, 11.9 | 0.8 |
UT2 | In vitro | G2_b24_2 | 2x | NA | G2 | 2020-02-13 | 0.96 | NULL | 12 | NA |
UT2 | Explant | G2_b4_1 | 2x | NA | G2 | 2020-02-13 | NULL | NULL | NULL | NA |
The status of the propagation of sagebrush individual lines is in Table 6.1.
Individual Line | Current Date | Total | Stage | Generation | Phase | Chamber | Shelf | Predicted | Actual | Next Date | Action Needed |
G1_b10_1 | 2021-03-04 | 18 | Growing | 2 | NULL | P5 | 5 | 14 | NA | 2021-03-24 | 3_wk_Mortality_Check |
G1_b13_1 | 2021-03-04 | 12 | Growing | 2 | NULL | P5 | 5 | 9 | NA | 2021-03-24 | 3_wk_Mortality_Check |
G1_b2_1 | 2021-03-04 | 90 | Growing | 2 | NULL | P4 | 1 | NULL | 90 | 2021-03-24 | 10_wk_Mortality |
G1_b29_1 | 2021-03-04 | 9 | Growing | 2 | NULL | P5 | 5 | 7 | NA | 2021-03-24 | 3_wk_Mortality_Check |
G2_b24_1 | 2021-03-04 | 279 | Growing | 3 | NULL | P4 | 2,3,4 | 223 | NA | 2021-03-22 | 3_wk_Mortality Check |
G2_b24_1 | 2021-03-04 | 229 | Growing | 3 | NULL | P5 | 3,4,5 | 183 | NA | 2021-03-22 | 3_wk_Mortality_Check |
G2_b24_2 | 2021-03-04 | 10 | Growing | 2 | NULL | P5 | 5 | 8 | NA | 2021-03-24 | 3_wk_Mortality_Check |
G2_b27_1 | 2021-03-17 | 84 | Growing | 3 | 1 | P5 | 1 | 82 | 84 | 2021-03-31 | 9_wk_Mortality Check |
G2_b27_1 | 2021-03-17 | 21 | Growing | 3 | 2 | P5 | 2 | 49 | 21 | 2021-03-31 | 7_wk_Mortality Check |
G2_b4_1 | 2021-03-10 | 15 | Explant | Ex3 | NA | Cart | 1 | NA | 15 | 2021-03-23 | Fully open boxes |
The culture chambers used in this experiment taking place at BSU are described in Table 7.1.
Type | Model | Light intensity | Temperature (Celsius) | Carrying capacity | Current occupancy | Percent |
P4 | Percival Culture Chamber CU41L4C8 | 152 | 24 | 396 | 369 | 0.93 |
P5 | Percival Culture Chamber CU41L5C8 | 160 | 24 | 495 | 383 | 0.77 |
Cart | Seedling Cart GA3P4T8 | 80 | 24 | 288 | 15 | 0.05 |